adventure is life or life is an adventure

yes ! I am saying the dialogue from the movie UP. I like  cartoons and animation and so my girls. we saw the movie in my brother’s house, and the interesting thing is that his nine months old son also likes the movie characters. he jumps and squeals when the little Ellie talks and Russell is his favorite.

up film
a still from the UP film

and here I am talking about the little Ellie in my house. any guesses, who it is? ………

yes it is my cute little Achu.

she is really an explorer 🙂 has left no corner, cabinet, or shelf around the house. every time when there is a silence around the house i get to know something is going on there. she does all her jobs without any fear and makes sure to include Aku with her. take a look at today’s activity, both are on the sofa chair and have put the stools near by to climb up and down.


here she is getting down from the chair. steps on the chair hand.

over to the stools

she likes to set her hair like that, thus didn’t allow me to tie them up.

now step down on the floor
landed safely
now going up
climbed within seconds
now Aku wants to go

the sofa chair cushion is unable to tolerate such an exercise over it and sometimes the cushions fall down on the floor. the other day both of them climbed over the cushion, which is for the back, to sit over it. and all in sudden the cushions slipped from their places and fell on the floor. Achu and Aku first got frightened but within a minute they started playing over it again.

hope i’ll bring on more adventures of my little Ellie soon.

Author: anumrinal

I am a homemaker living in Bangalore, India, with my husband and sweet twin daughters.

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